Startup DAB moves to the Biotech Campus Delft. Herewith, Delft proves itself as a complete ecosystem

Startup Delft Advanced Biorenewables (DAB) moves to the Biotech Campus Delft to accelerate its growth. Herewith, Delft proofs itself as a complete ecosystem that supports the transition to a bio-based economy by cherishing early ideas up to commercial scale-up.

DAB has developed a unique bioreactor technology that increases the productivity of the fermentation process. At the same time, it reduces the operational costs with 50%. Using this technique, products made with fermentation become more affordable and competitive with fossil processes. Application of this technology on a large scale is expected to accelerate the transition to a bio-based economy. DAB licenses its technology to large industrial parties that integrate it into their existing production processes.

Kirsten Steinbusch, CEO of DAB: ‘We recently received an investment of € 2 million, making the move to the Biotech Campus Delft a logical next step. We want to further develop our technology and to accelerate our commercial growth. To scale up our technology, we work closely with the TU Delft and with an established partner on the Biotech Campus, the Bioprocess Pilot Facility (BPF). Thanks to the good facilities available at the Biotech Campus Delft, we now can explore new market applications and further optimize our techniques.’

‘We are delighted to welcome DAB at the Biotech Campus,’ says Raimo van der Linden, Business Development Manager at Bioprocess Pilot Facility (BPF). ‘It offers great benefits for both DAB and BPF. The BPF has extensive expertise in scaling up production, even on an industrial scale. We are happy to support DAB with our knowledge, infrastructure, permits and the use of our test factory.’

Cindy Gerhardt, Business Development Director of the Biotech Campus Delft, is also pleased to welcome DAB at the campus. ‘DAB is the third innovative Biotech company that settles at the campus, and we are not even officially open! DAB is a wonderful example of the unique strength of Delft in biotechnology; an idea originating from research at the TU in Delft, was incubated as a start-up at YES!Delft, and now moves to our campus to get access to all the facilities needed for upscaling and commercial growth. Together, we can realize the transition to a sustainable bio-based economy!’


For more information:

Biotech Campus Delft                                        
Communications Manager                          
Sjoukje Lautenbach                                            
+31 6 21352559                                                                                        

Delft Advanced Biorenewables
Kirsten Steinbusch
+31 6 55 11 87 41


About fermentation
Fermentation refers to the use of (parts of) living organisms as cell factories to make useful products from renewable feedstocks. Historically, humankind has used biotechnology in food production (wine, beer, bread, cheese etc.) for centuries. In the past century, its application has been industrialized and expanded to pharma, agriculture, and production of bio-molecules.

About modern biotechnology
The world faces enormous challenges, which are becoming more and more urgent as the world population grows. We are dealing with climate change, pollution, (future) scarcity of land, drinking water, nutrients, raw materials, fossil fuels, and health and hygiene. Modern biotechnology represents a bigger opportunity than ever to build our bio-renewable future. It allows us to move away from non-renewable fossil sources to production based on renewable plant-based resources. Nowadays, the applications of biotechnology are endless; clean biofuel, biodegradable plastics, clean water, food ingredients including fragrances and flavors, medicines, and production of all kinds of raw materials which are widely applicable (vary from clothing to building materials).

About Delft Advanced Biorenewables
Delft Advanced Biorenewables develops and implements process intensifying bioreactor technology that enables its partners to produce cost effective bio-based products. The proprietary bioreactor technology, called ‘FAST’, was developed at Delft University of Technology and overcomes many of the pitfalls of industrial fermentation through the combination of fermentation and separation into a single vessel. It is a scalable device that enables in-situ product recovery without any moving parts or membranes. To make production via fermentation economically viable at scale requires more than optimized biology or individually efficient process steps. Smart integration of fermentation with separation decreases additionally operation costs up to 50%. DAB delivers integrated process solutions which are simple, robust and scalable.

About Biotech Campus Delft
Biotech Campus Delft is developed by founding father Royal DSM to accelerate biotech innovations. Its open innovation campus offers a biotech ecosystem in which cooperation and knowledge transfer between companies and knowledge institutes is encouraged. Located on DSM’s site in Delft, over 1200 people work on developing, scaling up and commercializing bio-based innovations. Besides DSM and pilot factory Bioprocess Pilot Facility, the Biotech Campus Delft also houses startups, scale-ups, SME’s and established companies.