Veramaris is a joint venture of dsm-firmenich and Evonik. We collaborate because only together we are able to develop an innovation that helps set new standards for sustainable food production - a vision shared by scientists and engineers at the two parent companies.
The global demand for healthy seafood is on the rise. However, a gap between supply and demand for the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA – essential to raise fish in aquaculture – poses a constant threat to the aquaculture industry. Until now, fish oil from wild-caught fish has been the only commercially available source of omega-3, driving the animal nutrition industry to look for a sustainable, safe and fully traceable solution.
dsm-firmenich and Evonik realized they have complementary strengths that together could solve the industry’s challenge. dsm-firmenich has expertise in cultivating marine organisms and biotechnology capabilities in development and operations, while Evonik’s focus for decades has been designing, building and operating large scale fermentation processes. After two years of extensive research and development, dsm-firmenich and Evonik launched the company Veramaris in 2018 as an equal joint venture. Veramaris offers a solution for the reliable supply of omega-3 oils, produced from natural marine algae on an industrial scale.
Producing an algal oil rich in the two essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA through large-scale fermentation at its facility in Blair, Nebraska, USA, Veramaris enables partners along the value chain to become independent from wild-caught fish and meet the growing demand for animal protein responsibly.

Contact details
VeramarisAlexander Fleminglaan 1
2613 AX Delft
The Netherlands