P1.STR.3 Bio-based Industries incentive scheme

P1.STR.3 Bio-based Industries incentive scheme

On January 31st, 2020, the Bio-based Industries incentive scheme was opened within the priority “strengthening research, technological development and innovation”.

A sub-ceiling of € 451750 has been set, intended for innovative projects aimed at industrial biotechnology and bio-based industry, in line with specific objective 1: “Valorisation, increasing the share of innovative products and services” or in line with specific objective 2: “Increase investment capacity for innovation in the SME sector ”of the Western Region program section that fit within the prevailing regional policy of South Holland.

The incentive scheme comprises three vouchers, which can be applied for individually or in combination with each other by SMEs established in an EU Member State targeting the bio-based industry:

  • The establishment voucher; 50% of the eligible costs with a maximum KvW contribution of € 15,000.
  • The growth voucher; 100% of the eligible costs with a maximum KvW contribution of € 15,000.
  • The pilot voucher; 50% of the eligible costs with a maximum KvW contribution of € 50,000.

With the pilot voucher, an advance of 50% of the KvW contribution will be paid after decision. When the pilot voucher has been applied for in combination with the growth voucher, the advance will be paid at the moment the research with the growth voucher shows that the business case is pilot-ready.

The combination options and the specific conditions of the vouchers to be applied for can be found in the scheme (https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2020-5737.pdf). Applications for the vouchers can, after consultation with the support center (Cindy.Gerhardt@biotechcampusdelft.com), be submitted digitally from 31 January 2020 via www.efro-webportal.nl.

The vouchers can be applied for by an SME based in an EU Member State and deployed at Planet B.io or the Bioprocess Pilot Facility for activities that contribute to the transition from a linear industry based on fossil resources to an industry based on biological processes and raw materials.

  1. The establishment voucher can be used for: the payment of rent; installation in an office; or the installation in a lab, including the installation of specific equipment for the company or the purchase of specific equipment necessary for the work.
  2. The growth voucher is used to receive support in research aimed at the growth of a biobased business case. This includes research to resolve techno-economic bottlenecks of (a product or process of) the SME or to provide support in the pre-pilot phase.
  3. The pilot voucher is used to scale up a new Bio-based business case to pilot scale using the facilities of Bioprocess Pilot Facility. The activities are carried out by Bioprocess Pilot Facility. For example, first (tens of) kilograms of product are produced, or a process is tested for the first time with industrial equipment (instead of lab equipment).

The deadline for submission runs from 31-01-2020 to 31-12-2021 (or earlier if the budget ceiling has been reached).