“Enabling connections between academic and industrial worlds cannot happen often enough!”

“This advanced biotech course was a prime example”, said TU Delft professor Sef Heijnen, one of the lecturers, about the 5 days advanced course on Multiscale Computational Methods in Bioprocesses. Course leader and professor Henk Noorman could not agree more on this and looks back at a successful event, for the first time hosted at Biotech Campus Delft.

“Our participants, an international group of 26 academic and industrial specialists, had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and practical skills in multiscale modelling, a hot topic in biotechnology and digitalization. It’s the first time that we organized it in an industrial setting. Walking around at the campus, experiencing the industrial biotech environment, connecting with industrial specialists and exchanging knowledge, all this has significantly benefited our course”.

Want to learn more? Check the website of BiotechDelft, a TU Delft entity which organizes biotechnology education at postgraduate level.