Young visitors at the Biotech Campus Delft. Become wiser with us!

The technology for the future is developed in Delft. The city is bubbling with ideas and innovations. This also applies to the Biotech Campus Delft. And what's even better: vocational school students and other children are regularly welcome to come and be inspired! 

Delft on Stage

The Biotech Campus Delft participates in 'Delft on Stage' every year. Under the motto 'You can become anything. Except unhappy. Promise?' the campus, like dozens of other companies, opened its doors again this year to pre-vocational students who wonder what it is really like to be an operator, a security guard, a cleaner or a secretary. The pupils received concrete information about various professions. In addition, during the Do-day on March 24, they sat down with employees from these professions. In this way they could experience how nice the work is in practice. The students had an inspiring day and left the campus satisfied.

To dad's or mom's work

During the annual Children's Company Afternoon, children of employees get to take a look in the kitchen of the Biotech Campus Delft. Literally, because they visit the bakery, cheese production area and the tasting premises, where they get to work with ingredients and flavors. In addition, they can see what a security guard's work is like. And of course they can visit the place where mom or dad works. Not only the kids enjoy this, but the parents as well! This year the Children's Company Afternoon took place on May 11. Dozens of children had a great day and came home with enthusiastic stories and motivation to maybe at some point follow in dad's or mom's footsteps.

School's cool Delft

Not all students go through their school career with flying colors. School's Cool Delft' is for vulnerable students aged 11 to 18. To prevent school drop-out and increase the chances of students, the organization matches mentors to students. A mentor has weekly contact with his or her student and helps the student with homework, structure and overview. The mentor also offers a listening ear in case of questions or concerns. Every year the Biotech Campus Delft calls upon employees to make themselves available as mentors. With success! We are proud of the many colleagues who dedicate themselves to inspire students or stand up for vulnerable students!